NaNo - Depression

I think it's about every other year that I experience NaNo depression. This must be that other year. I have come to find myself sitting at the computer but not being able to find anything to do. I feel like I should be doing something but there is nothing. And then there's the fact of my story. I feel like the characters didn't develop the way I wanted them to. They just seem sort of dull. But they're alive and dancing in my head! Some would say that the novel writing part would be the hardest. I say it's the editing part.

On other news. We had a turkey feast last night! It was so good. Eight hours spent in the kitchen. From 10 in the morning to 7 at night. And an hour off for piano lessons. It was a whole lot of fun. I really enjoy doing things like that. And before dinner we decorated our Christmas trees. I have pictures but they're still on the camera. So maybe later =)

I played a game of Monopoly last night with Alex. He beat me big time! It only took us an hour to play. And I ended completely bankrupt. I don't know if it was because Alex is so good at Monopoly or poor strategy on my side...


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