Life from the Past Week

I'm gonna do a couple of posts so I don't have one long one =) My first one is going to be about my school since it has been on my mind all day. I am slowly getting my junior year done. I'm almost there! But I've already decided on the classes that I want to do next year and I'm pretty excited about them. So excited that I want to share =)
The mandatory ones that I have no way possible of getting out of (these are the ones that I'm not excited about) are:
Manual of Christian Doctrine, English Literature: Classics for Christians, Writing a Research Paper: Senior Project (blah =P) Geometry, Chemistry (lots more blah!) God and Government, Economics: Work and Prosperity, and Spanish 2. I also am going to read Pride and Prejudice and have to decide between Gulliver's Travels and Great Expectations for book reports. Mom wants to find a Chemistry class for me to go to because there is no one in this house who knows how to do it and it's not one of those things that is self teachable.
And my extra credit ones that I am super excited about are:
The Exciting World of Creative Writing (the title even has exciting in it!) Applications of Grammar 5, Christian Living in the Home, The Church in History, Lift Your Eyes on High (this is an astronomy course) and Cultural Geography. I am excited for my senior year and hope to have it done earlier than I have finished the past years. I think that is all for this post. Just the excitement I feel over my upcoming classes =)


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