
Ah the wonders of NaNo! Writing, writing, and more writing! Maybe too much writing. So much writing that my characters seem to be coming to life in my head. And not in a good way. They're now enough alive that I want to punch a few of them. They keep destroying my plan for this story! But I suppose if they keep doing it I can just kill them later. Bruhaha! That's not nice. Why would you even say such a thing?
Well back to sanity (at least as close as I can get =D) I have 3000 more words to catch up with yesterdays goal. Ugh! That means 5000 words to be caught up for today! Why did I even sign up for this insanity sleepless month? That's how many I words I had to write yesterday morning! And now it's a new day. It's hard since we have only one computer that connects to the internet. (Two if you count Chel's) Thanks Beth =P
On other words of writing. I tried to add this little word count thingy to my wonderful blog but it didn't work. It made me sad.
Well I better get to work. Don't know when Mom will get up to begin typing and I would like to be to bed by a slightly decent time. Wish me luck!


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