Christmas Round the Town

Finally it is over!!! It was fun and successful. We stayed up until 4 Thursday night (Friday morning) and then had to get up at 7:30 to set everything up out in the barn. Friday it was sort of cold but bearable. Not as bad as last year. Today it was way better. But then I was not sitting by the door where you get a draft. I was gone half the day because I had piano lessons. I made Southwestern Dip Mix, Peach Tea Mix, Taco Chili Mix, Pecans, and Dog Biscuits. And I made $44 which I spent all tonight. Michelle and I went shopping at the mall and I bought Christmas presents for people. I would tell you what I got but my family reads this blog. Altogether a very successful year.

I have only 9000 more words to write!! Woohoo!! And I have two days so I am very surely going to be successful. Early today I thought I only had one day left because when I asked when the 30 was I thought Chel told me that it was Sunday but apparently she said Monday. So I was kind of freaking out this morning because I only had one day left. But now I have two! So I am going to bed early tonight. Like as soon as I'm done with this post.

There is a chasm between Arelie and Eran. The bad guy has struck...


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