You'd think summer would be less busy and you'd have more time to post but in my experience summer is way busier than the rest of the year. The last week was super hectic. We were frantically cleaning the house for my open house and anticipating a great visit from Susie and Alex (I really miss those guys) then we had my open house. That was great. I felt very anti-social but I think it went well =) Then on Sunday we had three open houses to go to. That was a very tiring day. I still feel tired from it and it's Thursday!
I've gotten a job since the last time I posted. I'm working at a mill/gas station. It's called Freeport Mill but where I work is the gas station part. I get to stock shelves and carry around heavy boxes of pop and... stuff. It's hard, hot work. Really not looking forward to working tonight since it's like 100 degrees out! I would much rather sit in my air conditioned house =)
While working I've had lots of fun experiences =) The pop return machine hates me. I don't think it's worked right since I've started. Last week it tried to be broken permanently. It continued to tell me that the bin was full even though all the bins were empty. I get to make cotton candy. It's gross and sticky. I feel like a cotton candy monster after I'm done. Cotton candy up to my elbow =) At least I get to taste test =) I think I basically get the grunt jobs. Lots of sweeping, mopping, dusting. Ah well. It's more money than I was making before =)
I'm almost done with school. I'm glad that I have until August. Not a ton of pressure. I still have the dreaded subjects to finish. Chemistry and Algebra =P Getting so much closer to being done forever though!
Just one more month until Camp NaNoWriMo! I found out last night that they did June this year instead of July. I was anticipating starting in two days but they switched it. So I get another month of preparation =)
Right now at this moment I'm anticipating a great beverage from Biggby. Thank you Michelle! I can't wait until you get home!
(Now I've typed this all with a pile of legos on my hands and children running around being fantastic super heroes so I don't know if it makes much sense =))
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