June 11 - Sihlouette
Thank you Susie and Alex! <3 Once again I can't just choose one.
This is my favorite =)
On other news. I work a 10 hour day on Monday. 7:30-5:30. I am going to start putting applications into other places. Well at least one =/ The Freeport Mill. I might apply some other places but that's my top choice right now. I know! It's a job at a gas station, but it's close to Hannah =)

This is my favorite =)

On other news. I work a 10 hour day on Monday. 7:30-5:30. I am going to start putting applications into other places. Well at least one =/ The Freeport Mill. I might apply some other places but that's my top choice right now. I know! It's a job at a gas station, but it's close to Hannah =)
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