Getting a Life...

Wow! It has been a loong time!! So let me catch all you readers back up.. ;)Let's see.. Since January!

I finally finished my History. Woot! Still have to do Speech, Lit, Bible, Spanish, and worst of all Math. I'm doing Rosetta Stone for my Spanish. I really enjoy it. Now all I have to do is remember it!

I started tutoring a little first grader at Woodland El. He's such a cutey! Every Monday and Wednesday I go there and play games and read books. Easy job I've ever had! Only job I've ever had.. Up to yesterday!

That's right. I'm a working woman now! My piano teacher's daughter runs a day care and I'm her new helper! Until summer at least... And then again in the fall. I have to get up at 6 in the morning =S So early! The past two days there has only been 11 children. And she said that there are usually more! All under the age 5! I really enjoy it though. And she was able to work around my tutoring schedule which made me really happy. If I didn't get to see Jacob anymore I probably wouldn't have taken the job.

Going to Chuck E. Cheeses Saturday! Woot! My little nephews are growing up! Tommy is going to be 4!!!!!!!

I've been college searching. I'm thinking about going into Early Education. I'm not positive yet. I feel as if the LORD has been throwing me into a lot of situations with children though. Cuz before it was Creative Writing that I wanted to do. Scholarships are hard to find too.. At least the easy ones =) I need to start looking harder at the ones that require essays. I have a mental block towards essays... I've written 150,000 words of story in the past three years! Why can't I write a hundred word essay!? Hmm.. That number doesn't look to impressive there... Ah well! I've written random other stories too that aren't counted in there =)

Well I think that is all for now. I'm getting a life! Time for bed!


  1. And I must throw a "thank you" out to my chauffeurs who drive me around with very little complaining ;) <3

  2. Are you surprised? I am commenting on your blog!! yay!


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