Philip Marshall Bishop

It has been a long time. A lot has happened. Sad and happy. Mostly sad. Sometime in the beginning of March Gramps fell and broke his hip and last Thursday he went to join the LORD. It has been a hard couple of weeks. Especially this last one. I found a quote in my Bible today that reminded me that no matter what happens God ALWAYS has His hand in it.
"Whatever you are going through in life right now, know that the message of Jesus is that this - whatever "this" is - is not the end of the story. God has the final word."
I also found a song that also helps me get through this rough time. Well I can't figure out how to get that on my blog. So I'll just tell you the name of this song =D We're So Far Away by Mae. It's a great song.
Even though it was a sad week it was also happy because I got to spend time with my wonderful cousins. And I got to talk to some interesting people. And remeet a pastor that I met like once or twice. He is one of the funniest people ever. He acts nothing like a pastor. I think it's something about pastors that makes them like that. He started dancing with me at the funeral. It was an interesting experience...

On story news... There is none. I've written like.. nothing. I think thats all =D


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